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Offshore Litigation Blog

Knight chess piece on a 2x2 board

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${facet.Name} (${facet.TotalResults})
Investment Fund series - Exempted Limited Partnership
In our previous articles, we considered several fund issues in the context of open-ended funds. In the Cayman Islands, the most common vehicle for the use of...
Investment Fund series - Suspensions and gating provisions
For many investment managers, triggering a suspension clause can be considered an extreme and unwelcome step. Investor opinion and market sentiment can be negatively impacted should a fund trigger a...
Investment Fund series - Informal restructurings
If faced with the real possibility of having to plan for a future insolvency event, it is prudent for directors and investment managers to explore out of court options and seek professional assistance at an early…
Investment Fund series - Redemptions
It is well established that the articles of a fund will dictate the timing and mechanics of redemptions. The articles of association (the Articles) will be construed in a manner that is consistent with the fundam…
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