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Offshore Litigation Blog

Knight chess piece on a 2x2 board

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Big day is today
The five months’ march of preparing for my wedding day is finally coming to an end in May. From the booking of wedding banquets to searching for service providers (photographer, videographer, beautician, host, banquet decoration, etc), to finding cute puppets for children and gifts for the guests, my husband and I spend almost every weekend comparing the different options and bargaining for a better price.
The quest for wellbeing
A spotlight has been shone in recent years on the wellbeing and mental health of legal professionals, and rightfully so. Being a legal professional is a stressful job that is often a delicate dance between managing a plethora of different aspects in order to minimise the inherent stress that comes with the job. It is encouraging to see many law firms stepping up their mental health and wellness initiatives to facilitate and assist legal professionals in this very personal journey.
Cayman in a Pickle?
Cayman’s newest sporting facility has captured the attention of Cayman’s corporate scene. The Cayman Pickleball court opened its courts in July 2023 and has become such a hit that a corporate league has been formed.
Natalie and Johime’s Hyrox experience in Hong Kong: a journey of grit and perseverance
Participating in Hyrox, a global fitness competition known for its unique blend of functional strength training, cardio...
Harneys Bangs the Drum for Elmore Stoutt High School
Last Friday, the Harneys Pan Hitters, our BVI office’s all-star steel pan band, shared some early Christmas joy with the residents of the Adina Donovan Home for the Elderly in Road Town.
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