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Regulatory Blog

Binoculars with documents in lenses

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CIMA publishes new AML surveys for securities registered and licensed persons and virtual asset services providers – 7 October deadline
The Cayman Islands Monetary Authority has started to publish its latest anti-money laundering surveys for entities that they regulate (not including investment funds). The surveys will be issued in stages and the first have just been sent to financial service providers that carry out securities investment business or virtual asset services business. The surveys are accompanied by guidance on their completion and submission.
Reminder – Cayman Islands’ SIB Registered Persons annual declarations
A reminder that all SIB Registered Persons must submit the annual declaration to the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (CIMA) by 15 January 2021.
Single family offices no longer exempt from securities regulation in the Cayman Islands
Single family offices are no longer exempt from regulation by the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (CIMA) following amendments to the Securities Investment Business Law. As a result, single family offices will be required to be licensed and prudentially regulated if they do not fall within another exemption, or to cease conducting securities investment business.
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