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Regulatory Blog

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Cayman Islands: Strengthening compliance - Insights from the CICA and DITC seminar 2024
The seminar hosted by the Cayman Islands Compliance Association and the Department for International Tax Cooperation in November 2024, provided important updates and valuable insights into the Cayman Islands’ tax transparency initiatives, compliance priorities and regulatory developments.
Cayman Islands economic substance reporting: Key deadlines and updates
On 25 November 2025, the Cayman Islands Department for International Tax Cooperation reminded stakeholders that Economic Substance Returns and TRO Forms for entities with a financial year ending 31 December 2023 are due by 31 December 2024.
Amendments to the BVI Beneficial Ownership Secure Search System Act and economic substance reporting regime
The British Virgin Islands Beneficial Ownership Secure Search System Act has been amended by the Beneficial Ownership Secure Search System (Amendment) Act, 2024, which was published in the Gazette on 24 July 2024.
Update to BVI Economic Substance Rules: Important update for entities claiming non-residence via UAE corporate income taxes
On 2 April 2024, the BVI International Tax Authority published version four of its economic substance rules and explanatory notes, following the introduction of a federal corporate income tax system in the United Arab Emirates in respect of financial years beginning on or after 1 June 2023.
BVI locally resident companies may now apply for exclusion from tax and economic substance reporting
In October 2023, the BVI International Tax Authority reminded the public about a new provision introduced under the International Tax Authority (Amendment) Act, 2023, introduced earlier in 2023, which permits local companies (as defined) to be excluded from certain economic substance tax reporting requirements. In order to qualify, the local company must submit an application for exclusion to the ITA.
BVI economic substance reporting changes and deadlines
Most companies and limited partnerships registered in the BVI have an economic substance “financial period” of 30 June to 29 June. Reports to the International Tax Authority are due within six months of the financial period end, typically falling around the end of the calendar year.
British Virgin Islands International Tax Authority publishes updated economic substance rules
On 24 February 2023, the BVI International Tax Authority published version three of its economic substance rules and explanatory notes (the Rules). The Rules primarily impact on BVI entities that engage in certain specified “relevant activities” that require them to demonstrate economic substance in the BVI unless they qualify for exemption due to their tax status.
BVI ITA issues notice on economic substance
The BVI International Tax Authority recently issued a notice informing all financial institutions that from 7 November 2022 all requests relating to economic substance such as re-openings, financial period change requests, and responses to non-relevant activity should be sent to the email address: Compliancerequests@bviita.vg.
European Commission publishes draft Directive to prevent the misuse of shell entities
On 22 December 2021, the European Commission (EC) published a draft Directive as part of its fight against the use of entities that do not perform any economic activity, so-called shell entities, and which are assumed to be used for improper tax purposes. In spite of representations to the contrary, the EC has specifically stated that this particular initiative is needed notwithstanding the plethora of other initiatives taken over the last few years.
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