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Offshore Litigation Blog

Knight chess piece on a 2x2 board

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Cayman Court relieves law firm from its undertaking when “caught between the Devil and the deep blue sea”
In a recent decision of the Financial Services Division of the Grand Court of the Cayman Islands (In the matter of a trust in favour of Lorenz and Lorenz), Justice Kawaley directed pursuant to section 48 of the Trusts Act (2021 Revision) that the applicant law firm could pay funds it had been holding on trust into court under section 69 of the Act, after indemnifying itself for its costs.
Comity Gold – the Hong Kong Court emphasizes the spirit of comity in resolving cross-border insolvency matters
In the Hong Kong case of Wing Sze Tiffany Wong v Wong Sai Chung, the Hong Kong Court relied on the spirit…
The rule in Hastings-Bass under Cayman Islands’ statute
The Cayman Islands Trusts (Amendment Act) 2019 introduced a new statutory Hastings-Bass jurisdiction at s.64A of the Trusts Act which became operational on 14 June 2019. There has been no unreported or…
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