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Offshore Litigation Blog

Knight chess piece on a 2x2 board

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Interview with Natalie Lee, Counsel in Hong Kong
We recently had a chat with Natalie Lee, our newly promoted Counsel, during which she talked about her career in law, her journey with Harneys and more.
INSOL Tribute Fun Run
We would like to say a massive thank you to all of the runners who joined our virtual Fun Run on Monday 16 March in lieu of our annual INSOL 5KM run which was understandably cancelled this year. We received some great responses from around the world and are happy to have been able to provide a bit of positivity during what are most definitely challenging times.
Take 10 podcast series with pulsing headphones
Take 10 podcast: The role of Emmadart in China Milk and China Shanshui
In this episode of our Take 10 podcast, Ian Mann discusses whether a board of directors of a Cayman Islands company has the right to petition to wind up the company without shareholder approval, for restructuring or insolvency purposes.
Take 10 podcast series with pulsing headphones
Take 10 podcast: Derivative Actions
In this episode of our Take 10 podcast, Ian Mann and Julie Engwirda discuss the shareholder remedy of derivative actions, particularly multiple derivative actions in the British Virgin Islands.
Take 10 podcast series with pulsing headphones
Take 10 podcast: The Privy Council
In this episode of our Take 10 podcast, Ian Mann and Jayesh Chatlani discuss their experiences in the Privy Council, the final court of appeal for offshore Caribbean jurisdictions.
Take 10 podcast series with pulsing headphones
Take 10 podcast: Supreme Tycoon
In this episode of our Take 10 podcast, Ian Mann discusses common law recognition and the case of Supreme Tycoon.
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