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${ item.ShortDescription }
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${facet.Name} (${facet.TotalResults})
${ item.ShortDescription }
${ item.SearchLabel?.ViewModel?.Label }
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Offshore Litigation Blog

Knight chess piece on a 2x2 board

${totalItems} results

${customFilterHeading} Showing ${showingItems} of ${totalItems} results ${searchTerm}
${facet.Name} (${facet.TotalResults})
BVI – Russia sanctions: Case law digest (March 2023)
We outline an update of key cases before the BVI courts dealing with the application of the Russian sanctions regime in the BVI, following the invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. We will continue to update this on an on-going basis as and when new and interesting cases come to light.
${ item.Title }
${ item.Description }