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Offshore Litigation Blog

Knight chess piece on a 2x2 board

${totalItems} results

${customFilterHeading} Showing ${showingItems} of ${totalItems} results ${searchTerm}
${facet.Name} (${facet.TotalResults})
Women’s issues
There are limited perks to being a woman in professional services, but as summer rolls in and I’m surrounded by slightly sweaty men in wool suit trousers and long-sleeved shirts, I can’t help but feel a bit smug.
From the hustle and bustle of Hong Kong to the tranquillity of the Caribbean sea
After years of having the luxury of endless choices of takeouts, and the abundance of high-end and budget shopping, dining and bars at my doorstep, I finally decided to say goodbye to Hong Kong and moved to Harneys’ Cayman Islands office in 2022.
The quest for wellbeing
A spotlight has been shone in recent years on the wellbeing and mental health of legal professionals, and rightfully so. Being a legal professional is a stressful job that is often a delicate dance between managing a plethora of different aspects in order to minimise the inherent stress that comes with the job. It is encouraging to see many law firms stepping up their mental health and wellness initiatives to facilitate and assist legal professionals in this very personal journey.
My other full-time job
Last month I was booked in as the “mystery reader” at my daughter’s school. I turned out to be the most mysterious of all parent readers: I forgot to turn up.
${ item.Title }
${ item.Description }