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${ item.ShortDescription }
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${ item.ShortDescription }
${ item.SearchLabel?.ViewModel?.Label }
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Offshore Litigation Blog

Knight chess piece on a 2x2 board

${totalItems} results

${customFilterHeading} Showing ${showingItems} of ${totalItems} results ${searchTerm}
${facet.Name} (${facet.TotalResults})
Is a nod and a wink enough?
The BVI court recently handed down its judgment in Strong Fort Global v Solar Achiever Limited, Concept Pioneer Limited and Harkom Corporate Services. This matter revolved around the central issue of whether an al…
Hop to it! How quickly can I terminate my informal contract?
In the recent decision of Anheuser-Busch International Inc. et al. v Commonwealth Brewery Ltd, the Bahamas Court of Appeal held that a three-to-six-month range was reasonable notice for termination of an informa…
${ item.Title }
${ item.Description }