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Offshore Litigation Blog

Knight chess piece on a 2x2 board

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The crypto contagion – An overview of recent cases
The digital assets world has seen a number of collapses of some of the market’s key players. In this post, we examine the fallout of three household crypto names and the legal proceedings that have ensued. The domino effect of one collapse leading to another is no coincidence.
Contentious Crypto podcast series with headphone appearing and pulsing
Contentious Crypto - Pursuing Persons Unknown
In the penultimate episode of Contentious Crypto, Christopher Pease and Megan Elms, along with Kalo guest speaker James Drury, discuss what steps can be taken when the identity of the wrongdoers is unknown, the challenges posed by pursuing persons unknown and how the courts are adapting.
Contentious Crypto podcast series with headphone appearing and pulsing
Contentious Crypto - Digital asset tracing and its obstacles
In the third episode of Contentious Crypto, Christopher Pease and Megan Elms, along with Kalo guest speaker James Drury, discuss how digital asset tracing operates in practice and some common obstacles that arise.
Contentious Crypto podcast series with headphone appearing and pulsing
Contentious Crypto - ChainSwap v Persons Unknown
In the second episode of Contentious Crypto, Christopher Pease and Megan Elms, along with Kalo guest speaker James Drury, explain what steps they took to secure a successful recovery for their client in the landmark BVI case of ChainSwap v Persons Unknown.
Contentious Crypto podcast series with headphone appearing and pulsing
Contentious Crypto - Blockchain basics for asset recovery
In this introductory episode, Christopher Pease and Megan Elms of Harneys in conjunction with James Drury of Kalo consider the basics of digital asset ownership and how crypto disputes tend to arise. This sets the groundwork for more in-depth discussions in this series, which include a look at the BVI’s first reported crypto recovery case (ChainSwap) where they will explore the mechanisms available for tracing digital assets, the use of mixers, how they can be overcome and the ways the courts are adapting to the challenges posed by the growth of disputes in the digital asset sector.
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