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Funds Hub Resources

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Offshore fund vehicles – A transparent guide to making the right choice to maximise your fund’s potential
One of the most common scenarios we encounter is a US-based manager who initially establishes a domestic fund to attract US taxable investors. With the performance going in the right direction, the manager begins to think about US tax-exempt investors, such as charities, pension funds and university endowments, as well as investors based outside of the US, who like the track record and want to invest.
The Hong Kong OFC. Maybe, Maybe Not?
For Hong Kong based managers, the preferred hedge fund structure has long been a Cayman Islands exempted company. However, there has been a lot of talk over the last year or so about the Hong Kong government initiative to introduce an open-ended fund company (OFC) vehicle, and to make changes to taxation laws, with the aim of allowing for Hong Kong domiciled hedge funds.
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