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Funds Hub Resources

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${customFilterHeading} Showing ${showingItems} of ${totalItems} results ${searchTerm}
${facet.Name} (${facet.TotalResults})
The Art of the Deal-By-Deal
Having worked with clients in so many different parts of the world over the years, I have always found it interesting to see certain practices in some markets that are not commonly undertaken in others.
Private equity funds investing in property
When I volunteered to write a guest blog (for our funds team) this month, I must admit I was slightly filled with dread when they said yes with (in my view) rather inappropriate amounts of enthusiasm. What do I know about offshore funds as a corporate and commercial lawyer, who has more recently been turning her hand to corporate restructurings in a flattish transactions market? Well, the answer is in fact quite a lot about what offshore funds are being used for, particularly in the property market in the UK.
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