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Matt Taber
Matt Taber Harneys front portrait image

... very experienced fund finance lawyer, commercially driven, always responsive and solution-focused.


Matt Taber

Partner | Funds & Regulatory | Cayman Islands
+1 345 815 2946 matt.taber@harneys.com

Matt Taber is a highly accomplished partner in our Cayman Islands office, with nearly two decades of practice as a Cayman Islands lawyer. He is widely regarded as one of the most knowledgeable transactional lawyers in the region, with a wealth of expertise in a range of areas that are critical to the Cayman Islands and global investment and financial services industry.

Matt's experience includes advising clients on all aspects of investment funds and investment management, and subscription finance and fund finance for many of the top lenders in the field. He also has extensive knowledge in mergers and acquisitions, early-stage financing


Matt Taber is a highly accomplished partner in our Cayman Islands office, with nearly two decades of practice as a Cayman Islands lawyer. He is widely regarded as one of the most knowledgeable transactional lawyers in the region, with a wealth of expertise in a range of areas that are critical to the Cayman Islands and global investment and financial services industry.

Matt's experience includes advising clients on all aspects of investment funds and investment management, and subscription finance and fund finance for many of the top lenders in the field. He also has extensive knowledge in mergers and acquisitions, early-stage financing, and the regulation and licensing of financial services firms in the Cayman Islands. Additionally, he is well versed in the rapidly evolving area of virtual assets.

Before Harneys, Matt worked at several leading law firms in the Cayman Islands and spent a number of years as a corporate and M&A lawyer in London. He is an active member of the board of the Cayman Islands chapter of AIMA and has previously served as the secretary of the Blockchain Association of the Cayman Islands. Matt is frequently invited to participate in government and industry working groups to provide input on legislative and regulatory matters.

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Matt is ranked for his expertise in the Cayman Islands Corporate & Finance, FinTech, and Investment Funds expertise.

Matt is ranked for his expertise in the Cayman Islands Corporate & Finance, FinTech, and Investment Funds expertise.

Matt is recognised as a "leading individual" in the Cayman Islands Investment Funds rankings.

Matt is ranked as “highly regarded”.

Matt is recognised as a “next generation partner” in the Cayman Islands Investment Funds rankings.

Matt is recognised as a "next generation partner", and is "bright, hardworking, accessible and well informed; he has proven time and time again that he gets clients' business and provides excellent tailored advice".

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... very experienced fund finance lawyer, commercially driven, always responsive and solution-focused.

Authored by Matt

Voluntary liquidation and striking off a Cayman Islands exempted company
Guide to Cayman Islands mergers and consolidations
Transfers in to the Cayman Islands
Transfer out of the Cayman Islands
Securities Investment Business in the Cayman Islands
Data protection for Cayman Islands investment funds
Funds Hub
Mutual funds in the Cayman Islands
Legal update
2025 Cayman Islands compliance dates
Funds Hub
The roles and responsibilities of the AML Officers of Financial Service Providers
Funds Hub
Private Funds in the Cayman Islands
Regulatory Blog
Cayman Islands economic substance reporting: Key deadlines and updates
Funds Hub
Introduction to automatic exchange of information for Cayman Islands investment funds
Comparison of Cayman Islands limited liability companies and Delaware limited liability companies
Funds Hub
Duties and obligations of a director of a Cayman Islands fund
Directors’ duties and obligations under Cayman Islands law
Key Benefits of Cayman Islands Structures
Continuing obligations for Cayman Islands exempted limited partnerships
Continuing obligations for Cayman Islands exempted companies
Segregated portfolio companies in the Cayman Islands
Cayman Islands exempted companies: an overview
Limited liability companies in the Cayman Islands
Exempted limited partnerships in the Cayman Islands
The Cayman Islands Director Registration and Licensing Act
Economic substance in the Cayman Islands
Considerations for terminating registration of your Cayman Islands entity before 2025 fees and filings are due
Regulatory Blog
Industry consultation: Enhancing beneficial ownership transparency in Cayman Islands
Regulatory Blog
Updates on Cayman Islands' CRS and FATCA reporting: Mandatory date of birth submission and 2023 reporting deadlines
Regulatory Blog
Cayman Islands advances Virtual Asset Regulation through collaborative consultation
Regulatory Blog
Cayman Islands is removed from EU AML high-risk list
Regulatory Blog
European Commission Updates AML/CTF List: Cayman Islands to be removed
Regulatory Blog
Cayman Islands revamps beneficial ownership framework for 2024
Regulatory Blog
Changes in investment strategy reporting impact funds: Important updates from CIMA
Regulatory Blog
Cayman Islands successfully removed from FATF’s grey list
Legal update
Amendments to the Proceeds of Crime Act
Regulatory Blog
Navigating regulatory compliance: Your essential Cayman Islands compliance calendar
Implementation deadline is here: New Cayman rules on corporate governance and internal controls
New corporate governance and internal controls requirements for CIMA regulated entities – Investment Funds
Regulatory Blog
AIMA and other fund industry associations join forces to challenge US Securities and Exchange Commission’s new Private Fund Advisers Rules
Regulatory Blog
New safe-harbour provisions allow transfer of personal data from the Cayman Islands to US companies
Regulatory Blog
The Cayman Islands is eligible for removal from the FATF monitoring list
Regulatory Blog
Cayman Islands regulator published Statement of Guidance for Nature, Accessibility and Retention of Records
The Cayman Islands Government proposes amendments to the Proceeds of Crime Amendment
Legal update
Economic substance fines and penalty notices
Regulatory Blog
UK issues statement on importance of UK Overseas Territories, commenting on UBO registers and Russia sanctions
Regulatory Blog
Update on Cayman Islands' AML progress presented to FATF in Mexico
Regulatory Blog
CIMA publishes new governance guidance for operators of Cayman Islands Mutual and Private Funds
Regulatory Blog
Maples Corporate Services Ltd and MaplesFS Ltd win judicial review against Cayman Islands Regulator over AML
Offshore Litigation Blog
Cayman Islands judicial review – Grand Court rules against Cayman Islands Monetary Authority
Regulatory Blog
Cayman Islands extends Fund Management General Licence under Russia sanctions
Regulatory Blog
UK Overseas Territories (BVI, Cayman, and Bermuda) issue General Licences under the Russia sanctions regime for the payment of legal fees
Regulatory Blog
Cayman Islands: Annual renewal fees for VASPs
Regulatory Blog
Cayman Islands Government issues statement on EU Court of Justice ruling on beneficial ownership registers
Regulatory Blog
Cayman Islands issues General Licence under Russian sanctions
Regulatory Blog
Cayman Islands: Terminating registered entity before 2023 fees are due
Regulatory Blog
CIMA publishes new AML surveys for securities registered and licensed persons and virtual asset services providers – 7 October deadline
Regulatory Blog
Cayman Islands’ rules on corporate governance for regulated entities
Regulatory Blog
CIMA new deregistration rules for Cayman Islands regulated funds
Regulatory Blog
Cayman: Competent authority for beneficial ownership publishes guidance notes
Regulatory Blog
Cayman Islands government publishes consultation on amendments to the Monetary Authority Act and other key regulatory laws
Regulatory Blog
Cayman Islands - CRS and FATCA submissions deadline is approaching
Regulatory Blog
No additional AML-CFT measures for Cayman
Regulatory Blog
CIMA updates its FAQs on VASP registration process
Regulatory Blog
Environmental, Social and Governance considerations continue to evolve
News and Deals
Harneys advises Luckin Coffee on its successful restructuring
News and Deals
Harneys advises Waystone Group on its acquisition of Centaur
DAOs: A note of caution
Regulatory Blog
Cayman Islands regulator notifies industry on Russia/Ukraine sanctions regime
Legal update
Travel Rule requirements for VASPs
Regulatory Blog
Cayman updates on DITC portal deactivations
Regulatory Blog
CIMA updates on VASP registrations
Regulatory Blog
Cayman updates its CRS Reportable Jurisdictions for 2021
Legal update
Cayman Islands’ FATF progress and EU listing update
Regulatory Blog
Cayman – ES tax resident overseas/tax resident in another jurisdiction form
News and Deals
Harneys advises Etsy on US$217 million deal to acquire Elo7, “the Etsy of Brazil”
News and Deals
Harneys advises Montagu Private Equity on Waystone Deal
Financial Action Task Force (FATF) public consultation on updated guidance for virtual assets and virtual asset service providers
Regulatory Blog
Cayman Islands regulated entities should have cybersecurity policies and procedures
Cayman Islands Virtual Asset (Service Providers) Act - registration deadline and transitional period
Help is at hand: Options for investors in troubled Cayman joint ventures
Regulatory Blog
Cayman Islands “Laws” to be referred to as “Acts”
Funds Hub
The Funds Download - The seven hottest questions in the crypto space
Cayman Islands Virtual Asset Service Providers Act takes effect
Regulatory Blog
Cayman Islands recognised as a co-operative jurisdiction by the EU
Regulatory Blog
Virtual assets – Red flag indicators
Funds Hub
The Funds Download - Disrupting the disrupters – The impact of distributed ledger technology and smart contracts in the Investment Funds industry
Regulatory Blog
Annual payment deadline for CIMA registered directors: 15 January 2020
Regulatory Blog
Additional requirement under the private funds regime to manage and monitor potential conflicts of interest
Regulatory Blog
Expansion of the scope of the Private Funds regime
Regulatory Blog
Registered Persons now exempt from beneficial ownership requirements
Regulatory Blog
Cayman introduces new regulatory regime for virtual asset businesses
Regulatory Blog
Reduction in annual fees for Cayman Islands registered private funds structured as exempted limited partnerships
Cayman Islands introduces regulatory regime for virtual asset service providers
Funds Hub
The Funds Download - The Great Recession - When things go horribly wrong
Funds Hub
The Funds Download - A shadow over the global economy. What should I be thinking about now as the manager or an independent director of a Fund?
Regulatory Blog
Cayman Islands’ government in close contact with European Union
Funds Hub
The Funds Download - A view from the Americas
Regulatory Blog
FATCA and CRS reporting deadlines extended
New Cayman Islands Fund Annual Return form, CRS compliance form, CRS and FATCA reporting deadline extensions
Legal update
Executing documents electronically
Regulatory Blog
FATCA regime now includes the concept of an Authorised Person