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Safeguarding stakeholders: The surge in public statements from BVI FSC

05 Sep 2023

In recent times, the British Virgin Islands Financial Services Commission (BVIFSC) has been proactively ramping up its issuance of public statements to ensure the protection of customers, creditors, and individuals who might be considering conducting business with companies under its purview. These statements serve as vital cautionary measures to safeguard stakeholders against potential risks.

The surge in the issuance of public statements by the BVI FSC indicates an increased awareness of potential risks and an active approach to address them. Recent financial market developments, both locally and globally, have underscored the need for vigilance when dealing with financial entities. The BVI FSC's commitment to enhancing transparency and fostering a safe business environment has led to a more robust and frequent dissemination of important information.

While the BVI FSC's public statements serve as valuable warnings, they should not be the sole basis for decision-making. Emphasising the importance to fully comprehend the implications of these statements and seeking legal advice to ascertain whether licensing is necessary.

A legal advisor can offer expert insights tailored to individual circumstances, enabling stakeholders to understand the nuances and potential risks specific to their situations. Additionally, legal counsel can help determine whether licensing or further regulatory assistance is required to navigate the complexities of the financial services landscape.