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BVI FSC introduces the External Relations Unit

25 Aug 2023

The BVI Financial Services Commission (FSC) launched its External Relations Unit as part of its 2022-2024 strategic objectives. This new unit integrates three main functions: communications, media monitoring, and financial education. It aims to enhance information sharing, improve engagement with stakeholders, and promote greater transparency in the financial services industry.


The unit serves as the official voice of the FSC, managing its public identity, relationships, and corporate branding. It handles various communication channels such as the FSC’s website, newsletters, industry collaborations, press releases and media relations.

Media monitoring

This function allows the FSC to track public mentions of BVI business companies and regulated entities. It helps assess their conduct and reputation while monitoring public statements related to the FSC. Data collected enables the team to respond effectively.

Financial education

Through "Money Matters BVI" (MMBVI), the unit educates the public about the FSC and the available financial products. It collaborates with licensees and community organisations to inform people about financial rights, responsibilities and services.

The External Relations Unit will also be reaching out to industry personnel on a broad spectrum of matters. It will also seek and accept unsolicited feedback on the work of the FSC.

The official press release can be found here.