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Offshore Litigation Blog

Knight chess piece on a 2x2 board

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Take 10 podcast series with pulsing headphones
Take 10 podcast: Never back down in the face of adversity
In this episode of our Take 10 podcast, Asia Managing Partner Ian Mann interviews Victor Joffe QC about his extensive legal career including his aspirations as a law student, his role models, how he overcame challenges and lessons learned, as well as helpful advice to younger generations of legal practitioners.
QC Corner: Victor Joffe QC
Since the decision of the Court of Final Appeal in Kam Leung Siu Kwan v Kam Kwan Lai (2015) 18 HKCFAR 501 (usually known as the Yung Kee Holdings case), it is settled law in Hong Kong that in order to obtain the winding up of an unregistered company (a term which includes a registered non-Hong Kong company), the three “core requirements” must be shown.
QC Corner: James Ramsden QC
A decision in the High Court in London is anticipated at a trial in November 2019 to decide the legal status of Bitcoin and Ether. The decision is particularly important to a growing number of offshore jurisdictions which have seen a surge in activity related to the transmission, storage and trading in cryptocurrency.
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