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Offshore Litigation Blog

Knight chess piece on a 2x2 board

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How to enforce foreign judgments and arbitration awards in the BVI
We cover six key questions we’ve been asked on how to enforce foreign judgements and arbitration awards in the BVI. Find our top six questions here.
Far reaching requests for disclosure - A warning
The High Court of England & Wales recently considered the scope of disclosure required to be undertaken by a party in the case of The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation v Barclays Bank Plc.
Empowering Judgment Creditors: The Impact of Lakatamia Shipping Company v Tseng Yu Hsia and other
In the recent decision in Lakatamia Shipping Company Ltd v Hsia and another (the Lakatamia Ruling), the UK Commercial Court provided helpful commentary on …
Default judgments – Why a trial on the merits can be more beneficial
A decision of the English High Court released last week deals with the important issue of default judgments and specifically how enforcing a default judgment in other jurisdictions can be difficult if the judgment is not on the merits. The decision will be of interest to both offshore and onshore practitioners.
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