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Luxembourg's legal lens: Our Luxembourg Managing Partner Vanessa Molloy's journey

In the sixth episode of Chat OMP, William interviews Vanessa Molloy, managing partner of the Luxembourg office. Vanessa shares her 24-year career journey in Luxembourg, detailing the strategic evolution of the jurisdiction and its appeal to American and Asian investors. She highlights the importance of adding value to clients, the benefits of Luxembourg's adaptable legal framework, and offers helpful advice for junior lawyers on career success.

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The BVI has significantly developed and promoted its role in international arbitration in the last decade. The BVI Arbitration Act (the Act), which is modelled on the...
How do English and BVI courts address inconsistencies in arbitration clauses? The English Court of Appeal decision in AdActive Media Inc v Ingrouille [2021] EWCA Civ 313...
This Q&A by Partner Peter Ferrer provides an overview of the key points of international arbitration in the British Virgin Islands. Topics include: domestic arbitration...
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