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Luxembourg's legal lens: Our Luxembourg Managing Partner Vanessa Molloy's journey

In the sixth episode of Chat OMP, William interviews Vanessa Molloy, managing partner of the Luxembourg office. Vanessa shares her 24-year career journey in Luxembourg, detailing the strategic evolution of the jurisdiction and its appeal to American and Asian investors. She highlights the importance of adding value to clients, the benefits of Luxembourg's adaptable legal framework, and offers helpful advice for junior lawyers on career success.

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In recent years, the courts of the British Virgin Islands have become increasingly receptive to third party litigation funding.
The recent amendments to the British Virgin Islands Trustee Act has rightly resurrected an old rule commonly known as the rule in Hastings-Bass which is restricted by...
In the recent case of BEC Limited v A2 and A1, the Eastern Caribbean Court of Appeal confirmed for the first time that an order dismissing an application to set aside a...
You will be aware from our updates issued on 18 August and, more recently on 20 September, that on 1 January 2023, various significant amendments to the BVI’s Business...
You will be aware from our updates issued on 18 August and, more recently on 20 September, that on 1 January 2023, various significant amendments to the BVI’s Business...
In the recent Cayman Islands’ decision of Re Seahawk China Dynamic Fund FSD 23 of 2022 (DDJ) 9 August 2022 an investor petitioned to wind up an extremely successful...
There has been a significant increase in the number of lenders enforcing against secured assets in the BVI, which has entailed an uptick in the appointment of out of...
In Essar Global Fund Ltd and Essar Capital Ltd v ArcelorMittal North America Holdings LLC, JCPC 2021/051, the Privy Council dismissed a challenge to a Cayman Islands...
Harneys contributed the British Virgin Islands chapter in the Chambers 2022 International Fraud & Asset Tracing Global Practice Guide. The guide provides the latest...
Receivership; a draconian remedy of last resort. However, today, receivers are appointed to address a wide range of legal circumstances. This article summarises some...
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