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Our products

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Our products

We are dedicated to delivering transformative and client-centric solutions that simplify complexity and provide clarity. Learn more about our online solutions and easy-to-use apps that help us show our legal expertise more quickly and efficiently. More of these are planned.

MiCA Assessment Tool

A free tool designed for crypto-industry participants to determine if they have any regulatory obligations under MiCA.

Regulatory and Tax Disclosure Tool

This free tool gives users clear insights into disclosure obligations and helps them navigate and comprehend the legal implications and complexities associated with disclosure requests.

CRS & FATCA Classification Solution

A bespoke online solution is designed for BVI and Cayman entities to determine the entity's classification status under the CRS and FATCA regimes.

BVI VASP Initial Assessment

A free tool designed to help users determine if their entity is a "virtual asset service provider" (VASP) under the BVI AML Regime.

DAC6 Assessment and Reporting Tool

Automated transaction assessment of cross-border arrangements followed by bespoke data collection guaranteeing accurate reporting to relevant tax authorities for entities incorporated in Cyprus and Luxembourg.

Economic Substance Classification Solution

A simple and cost-effective way for BVI companies and limited partnerships to classify an entity and receive real-time, tailored, legal advice to prepare an entity and its registered agent for compliance and reporting obligations.

Case study

Economic Substance Classification Solution

Faced with the somewhat daunting task of classifying and reporting on the economic substance status of all the BVI entities in their portfolio, our client asked us to use our innovative online Economic Substance Classification Solution and Data Reporting Tool. Our Economic Substance team were able to provide the client with their own secure and encrypted client portal, from which they could send their clients a link to the classification solution, monitor progress, collect the results of classification and report results to BOSS(ES) – all in an automated and seamless way.