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The Funds Download - The seven hottest questions in the crypto space

In our final episode of the Funds Download season one, our host and the Global Head of Funds and Regulatory, Philip Graham, is joined by Partners Lewis Chong and Matt Taber and Associate Marc Piano, our in-house crypto experts. They consider the most frequently asked questions encountered in their extensive experience with guiding emerging managers in this industry.

The crypto questions countdown:

  1. What kind of legal structure should I be looking at? Which jurisdiction is right for me? What does an open-ended or closed-ended fund mean?
  2. Do I need a bank account and if so, can you get one for my offshore crypto fund?
  3. If I use an offshore vehicle, I don’t need to worry about tax, right?
  4. I would like to target investors all over the world. Harneys have offices everywhere, can you can help me with that?
  5. Can I issue a transferrable token representing my fund interest?
  6. The custody of the assets of my offshore crypto fund will obviously not take the approach for a more traditional investment fund. Will this be an issue?
  7. Tune in to the podcast to find out what the number one hottest question is right now...

Marc Piano is no longer with Harneys. He now works at Horizons Global, an H3 verified service provider.

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