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Mutual funds in the Cayman Islands

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The Cayman Islands is the leading jurisdiction for the offshore investment funds industry due to its combination of flexible and appropriate regulation, an approachable and effective regulator, professional service provider expertise, high reputation among investors and a tax neutral fiscal regime.

Investment funds established in the Cayman Islands fall into two broad categories: open-ended funds and closed-ended funds.
Open-ended funds provide investors with voluntary redemption or repurchase rights and closed-ended funds do not provide investors with those rights. Typically, open-ended funds will invest in liquid assets which can be readily realised to fund redemptions (eg listed, liquid, tradable securities) and closed-ended funds will invest in non-liquid assets requiring time to liquidate/realise value (eg real estate, unlisted companies).

This guide sets a summary of the regulatory regime of open-ended investment funds, which is supervised by the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (CIMA).

For an overview of the regulatory regime that governs private funds please see Guide to Private Funds in the Cayman Islands.

Download the PDF to read more.