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Anti-slavery & human trafficking statement

This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 of the United Kingdom (the Act) by Harney Westwood & Riegels (UK) LLP (the UK Entity) in relation to the current financial year (the Statement). Harneys is committed to supporting the objectives of the Act not only within the United Kingdom but globally on a group-wide basis.

The Harneys Group comprises its law firms, Harney Westwood & Riegels (BVI) LP, Harney Westwood & Riegels (Cayman) LLP, the UK Entity, Harney Westwood & Riegels Singapore LLP, Harney Westwood & Riegels, Harneys Bermuda Limited, Harney Westwood & Riegels SARL, and Aristodemou Loizides Yiolitis LLC (practising as Harneys) and its direct and indirect subsidiaries and branches. The Harneys Group (including the UK Entity) provides legal advice to clients around the world in relation to the laws of the British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Cyprus, Luxembourg, Bermuda, Anguilla, and Jersey*, as well as related legal and structuring advice.

* Jersey legal services are provided through a referral arrangement with Harneys (Jersey) which is an independently owned and controlled Jersey law firm.

At present, the UK Entity does not meet the statutory threshold to be required to make a statement under the Act. Nonetheless, as part of Harneys global commitment to countering slavery and human trafficking, we make this statement as though the provisions of the Act applied. This Statement covers the current financial year.

We acquire goods and services from suppliers in the UK and elsewhere to support the services we provide to our clients and the Harneys Group generally. The Harneys Group is opposed to slavery, forced labour, and human trafficking in any form, and has policies and procedures in place, including in relation to anti-money laundering, counter-terrorist financing, and anti-bribery and anti-corruption, which prohibit the facilitation of criminal enterprises. As a professional services provider we believe the risk of slavery or human trafficking existing within our business to be low, we nonetheless take steps to ensure we identify any links to, or risks of, being connected with slavery or human trafficking.

We continue to conduct due diligence and monitor our contractors and suppliers to ensure that (i) we know who we are working with and the source of goods and services we acquire; and (ii) that our contractors and suppliers are people who share our commitment with respect to slavery and human trafficking. We are committed to best practice in this regard and ensuring that slavery and human trafficking do not exist in our supply chains. In the event that we do identify any links between a supplier and slavery and/or human trafficking, we will insist on that supplier taking remedial steps or risk our terminating the relationship.

The Harneys Group trains relevant staff on induction and annually on various policies and procedures we have in place to prohibit the facilitation of criminal enterprise which includes helping our people identify risk factors and indicators of possible slavery and human trafficking.

William Peake
Global Managing Partner